Father, Son and Spirit

John 16: 5, 7 and John 15: 26

But now I am going to Him who sent Me. But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper shall not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you. When the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, that is the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, He will bear witness of Me.

When Jesus went home to be with our Father, he sent a helper to us. This helper is the Holy Spirit of promise. In Acts 1: 4 Jesus commanded his disciples to remain in Jerusalem until they received what the Father had promised telling them that they would receive power when they received the baptism in the Holy Spirit. We are now living in the promised Age of the Holy Spirit.

The 1st Testament was about Father God. We see God, himself, interacting with his people. The Old Testament looked forward to the coming of Jesus with much prophecy. The second Testament or the New Testament is about the life and ministry of Jesus. Everything changed in the earth as a result of Jesus’ ministry. Everyone who wrote in the New Testament times wrote in respect to the new covenant which was bought by and ushered in by Jesus the Christ.

Jesus looked forward to another time too, just like the Old Testament prophets did. He prophesied about the coming of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Holy Trinity. We are now living in the days of the Third Testament. This is the time of the Holy Spirit. We are to learn about him just like the New Testament people learned about Jesus. As we develop in our relationship and understanding of working with the Holy Spirit, we look forward to another time too. We await the second coming of Christ. Each of the three persons of the trinity will have their own age and we are to get to know each of them in their individuality as well as the collective God head. Then Christ will return in all His glory and we will all be caught up with him and live eternity with God, The Father; Jesus, the son; and the Holy Spirit.

Reaping Peace

Romans 16: 20

I want you to be wise in what is good, and innocent in what is evil. And the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.

I am sometimes amazed at people whose lives are filled with chaos. They have an uncanny ability to live in the midst of turmoil. As for me, I need peace. I want a life of calm. In this passage, Paul teaches us how to have that peace. One thing I love about this verse is that God himself will provide his peace. He will do it by crushing the devil under our feet. I love that! But you see, for the person of chaos, they are constantly inviting the spirit of chaos to rule in their lives. I think some people are addicted to the drama. But for those of us who love peace, God has told us that if we will focus on those things which are good and pure, and will avoid all things which are from Satan’s camp (lying, cheating, back-stabbing, gossiping, etc.) then the peace from God will make its abode with us. 

Call to Duty

Job 26: 2

How have you helped him who is without power? How have you saved the arm that has no strength?

“These are the times that try men’s souls” (Thomas Paine, The American Crisis, 1776). Undoubtedly those revolutionary times challenged the would-be Americans down to their souls. Truly, though most of us live in much more stable environments than pre-revolution America, each person usually must endure a season of great challenge. It is in these times that we find the strength of God rising to meet us in our times of great need.

When we are powerless, when our arms lack strength, when we are weary down to our bones, our Father fills all the voids and strengthens us. He sustains us and restores our souls. We see this miracle of grace throughout the psalms but it is when you see it manifesting in your own life that your own life takes on new depth and new meaning. And when you approach these trying times looking to the Lord our God, you find that his fulfilling grace is palpable. You can almost touch it, almost see it. It is real.

I am going through one of these challenging times of life and I truly want to learn and grow through it. One of my loved ones is dying of cancer and there is nothing the doctors can do. We must all face these times but they can be easier in the grace of God. So far I have learned two important lessons. First of all, allow people to help you. Allow people to be a blessing to you. Superman is a fictional character so don’t try to be a superhero. Let those who love you express their love and concern for you. It is part of their grieving and healing for you both. My friend Carol, encouraged me to share this difficult time with you. She is teaching me to let people express their love for me. Lin, our graphics genius has inspired me with such wisdom. One of the statements she made to me was, “Ivey, you give to us every day, let us give to you.” This is such a hard thing to do but I recognize that their wisdom is flowing right from the heart of God.

Secondly, I have learned that God fills us up through His power flowing right through the atmosphere and the Holy Spirit to anoint your home, hospital room and your heart. That was not unexpected but what I have learned is that He greatly uses other people and their prayers to minister His anointing, His grace, His love and His mercy in the time of need. As I make my heart tender and vulnerable, as I simply open my eyes I see the anointing of God on total strangers. People come to you in your time of need. People you don’t know will reach out to you in that Spirit which is from God. You will connect at a level which is beyond this physical realm and it will bring comfort to your soul.

Some people will not be able to rise to the challenge. Don’t judge them. They just haven’t grown in that area yet. Some of the people you think will jump to your side won’t. It’s okay. Pray for them. No, really. Pray for them, it will do your heart good and the Blessed Father will show you their own hurts and limitations. It will give your heart peace. 

In conclusion, I want my challenge to help me grow, learn and to empower me to help others. Many of you have known deep sorrow. Some of you have undergone exactly what I am going through now. We are all learning and growing and part of that growth is to learn to be vulnerable. Another important sign of spiritual growth is showing an active compassion; that is compassion which isn’t passive but which instead moves into action.

I am calling you each into active duty today. This is a request for you to pray for me and my loved ones. We have been borne up by the prayers of our friends and family. It really does make a difference. So, pray for me.

There is a second part of this call to action though. We are a body, a family. Everyone who reads this daily devotional is important to me personally as well to others. We should stand for one another. I want you to write to us when you need prayer and I want us to be able to rely on each other for prayer and prayer support. We will be using the upcoming website as a medium for us all to connect with one another. I envision a person posting a prayer request and every one of us who reads the Word of the Day saying an immediate even if brief prayer for that person.

There are people reading this devotional all over the world. We need to join hands and become a people of prayer and of support for one another. Our faith was never meant to be passive but active and living and fully expressing the power and love of our Lord Jesus and our Father who sent the Holy Spirit into the earth to give us strength and miracle working power. Join hands with me as I join hands with believers all over the world. Let us reach out and make a difference in people’s lives through the love of God. Give God’s love wings through prayer. Together we are very powerful. Alone we are weak. Be the leader and lover you have been anointed to be. In Jesus’ name.

Closer to Thee

James 4: 8

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

Do you desire a close personal relationship with God? Do you really want to be one of the people that talks with God, rather than at Him? Well, you can be. That kind of closeness and relationship is available for as many as who desire it. You have to initiate that kind of rapport though. God has given us free will and He is not going to violate yours. He is not going to force you into a close friendship with Him. But, if you initiate it, then He will joyously join you.

But how do you really draw near to God? The first and easiest thing to do is to spend time in His word. His word is part of Himself. When you read and search the word of God, you search the heart and mind of God. You will learn a lot about Him and you will find Him in those pages. 

Secondly, spend time talking to Him. Forget traditional ideas of prayer. Just talk to Him like He was your best friend. He likes being part of everything that is important to you. Tell Him everything. Talk to Him about everything.

Lastly, learn to praise Him and be appreciative of all that He does for you. In the beginning you might not be aware of how many things He does for you in a day but as your relationship grows, you will begin to see His fingerprints on many things in your life. When you sincerely tell any friend how important they are to your life, it always draws the two of you closer. Learn to express your gratitude.

As you begin to do any of these things you will find your relationship with Him growing and becoming closer. It all begins with drawing closer to Him.


Isaiah 40: 1

“Comfort, O comfort, My people,” says your God.

The dear Father of us all spoke this verse to me about two weeks ago when I was feeling run ragged. He says, “This is my word to you.” If you want to know what God is saying then in today’s word you have an answer. He is speaking comfort. God is giving you peace and comfort.

Jesus had peace on his mind too. “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you” (John 14: 27). You see, your comfort has been paramount in God’s mind from the beginning. He is always speaking comfort to your bones and to your spirit. Whenever you feel over-worked, over-taxed or overwhelmed, you can turn to Isaiah, read these words and know that your beloved is speaking comfort words over you right now. In the middle of your work day He is speaking peace, in the midst of grief He is speaking comfort, every moment of your life He is speaking comfort and abundant grace over you. Blessed be the Lord.

Say It!

Psalm 107: 2

Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.

So, my question is, what is it that the redeemed of the Lord are supposed to say. We have to look at verse one for the answer: “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His lovingkindness is everlasting.” That is what the redeemed of the Lord are supposed to be saying. You know what I hear often though? I hear things like “God gave me this cancer to make me strong” or “God took my loved one to heaven”. That is deception folks. God is all goodness. His expression is always lovingkindness (loving + kindness). He only gives that which is good. In fact, he doesn’t even have bad stuff in heaven to give to people. “For everything created by God is good” (1 Timothy 4: 4). Heaven is filled with goodness. That makes sense, right?

When bad things happen, they are not authored by God. God isn’t giving and taking away. He is giving. “God so loved the world that he gave” (John 3: 16). We need to get our language in synch with God’s Word. “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.” Amen!! God is good. Even little children know that. “God is great, God is good . . . .” Let us, each and everyone, allow the truth of God’s goodness to fill us even at the sub-atomic level. God is good and we say so!


Romans 15: 7

Wherefore, accept one another, just as Christ also accepted us to the glory of God.

God has not called us to be separatists but rather to love one another in the unity of His great love for us all. Nor did he call us to be judges, neither of the brethren nor of the world. This is a great temptation for us all. We know the way he has called us to righteousness. We have seen in his word behaviors he has told us to stay away from so it is easy for us to say that those things are wrong and judge people who participate in them. Sometimes we go even further. We judge those who are different from us or practice their faith in a different way. We need to remind ourselves that we are called into unity with one another (Ephesians 4: 3) and that Jesus gave us only one commandment (John 13: 34). That is that we love one another as he loved us. His love was sacrificial; putting our needs before his own. When we can get that one commandment down we will not have to worry about judging others. We will receive them in love. We will accept everyone even as Christ accepted us.